Wednesday, September 26, 2012

012: Just Say No

Just Say "No" to Receipts

According to the New Observer, there are 220,000 tons of paper produced for the main purpose of printing receipts in the United States each year. This adds up to 3.74 million trees! This seems crazy, but it is true.

We understand that for some purposes receipts may be the way you keep track of what you're spending, especially when swiping that card. We have news for you! The majority of banks now immediately debit your account when you swipe your card and place those funds in "pending" mode. Therefore, the need for a receipt after every single purchase seems unnecessary. We know that are our wallets end up with a ridiculous amount of wadded up little papers. We end up throwing away those receipts when they start taking up too much space.

Now you're thinking, "what if I need to return an item I purchased?" More good news! Many companies are now offering digital receipts sent directly to your email. Whole Foods Market, Nordstrom, Gap Inc., Urban Outfitters, Anthropologie, Patagonia, Sears and Kmart are just a few of the retailers that have gone digital.  We think this is an even better idea than those pesky paper ones, that you end up searching for while at the counter and you're telling the cashier, "I swear it's in here...somewhere."

We have noticed when we go to certain stores, the cashier asks, "would you like a copy of the receipt?" We say no thank you! Our suggestion for this week, next time you take some cash from the ATM or order that coffee, say no to a receipt.

In the mean time, what can you do with all those old receipts? shares a 4 minute video on how to make paper out of your old receipts, junk mail, or any other paper you find. We will be sharing this video on our facebook page, so give us a "like" if you haven't already!

Sunday, September 16, 2012

011: A Practical Replacement

Discover a new alternative to paper towels!
We are constantly trying to find small ways that we can be less wasteful. We have presented a few different ways to do this in past posts. Today we came across a pretty cool idea. We discovered paperless paper towels, also known as reusable paper towels. Check out this website,, for a fun way to create this alternative. Of course you do not have to get this creative! You can use dish rags in place of paper towels. Also, if you would like an option that is both organic and fair trade friendly, check out PeopleTowels at Using these cute and reusable hand towels for your personal use, even when on-the-go, reduces CO2 emissions, conserves water and reduces landfill waste.

This fun alternative got us wondering, how many paper towels are used each year in the United States? According to the American Forest and Paper Association, 7300 tons of paper towels are used each year. That's a lot of paper towels! Paper towels were invented in the late 1800's. They were originally meant to be used as a medical item. We understand that the great thing about paper towels is that you can dispose of them and they are more sanitary. But, it is one of those things that is also very wasteful and completely avoidable. 

This week, when you go to reach for a paper towel to wipe off that mirror or clean up a spill, grab a dish towel instead.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

010: Nature Versus Narcotic Dilemma

 Can diet and exercise fix your every day ailments?

We recently watched the documentary, "Food Matters." This film focuses on how the food we put into our bodies is chemically engineered and lacking essential vitamins and minerals. Due to the lack of nutritious food, we are facing many diseases and issues with our health. We have all heard the saying, "you are what you eat."  It seems simple enough. None of what is in this film should be shocking, but it is.

We do not feel well, therefore we decide to go to the doctor. Ideally, the doctor would prescribe sleep, exercise, vitamins, healthy and nutrient rich foods and water. Unfortunately, more times than not, the doctor prescribes us a little pill. High cholesterol? Here's a pill. Can't sleep? Here's a pill. Headache? Pill. Sinus headache? Pill. All kinds of pills! Big ones, little ones, blue ones, red ones. Pills, pills, pills!

This film has numerous messages that we love, but one in particular continuously rings in our heads. Our bodies are made up vitamins and minerals. If we are sick, then we are deficient in one or more vitamins and/or minerals. Our bodies are designed to heal themselves. Why is it that we are told that chemicals (pharmaceuticals) will heal our bodies? Our bodies are not made up of chemicals nor are deficient in them.

This week's blog should challenge you to question the authority prescription drugs have over your ability to accept holistic medicine, natural remedies, or an overall healthy lifestyle as being the norm.

American culture has accepted the pharmaceutical industry with open arms. This acceptance has occurred despite the connection between the FDA and the drug companies. It seems to us that this is a major conflict of interest. The pharmaceutical companies are the same ones that are funding the research done by the FDA whom are supposed to certify that this drug is "safe."

It seems that Americans often expect manufactured drugs to fix ailments caused by their dietary, recreational, and every day lifestyle choices. According to the book, "Generation Rx: How Prescription Drugs Are Altering American Lives, Minds, and Bodies." by Greg Crister, one-half of Americans take 1 prescription pill daily, while one-sixth of Americans take 3 or more prescription pills every day in 2004. (Page 2) Prescription pills are often used to reduce cholesterol, lower blood pressure, enhance metabolism, treat depression, and much more. Americans are fixated on taking any drug that may potentially lead to a cure. The real question should not be "what is the cure?" rather, "how do we prevent this in the first place?" New drugs are being recommended to patients without thorough research on their safety, efficacy, and long term effects. For instance, one prescription pill named Vioxx was widely popular. It was prescribed to reduce the pain, inflammation and stiffness caused by different forms of arthritis. In about 5 years of its introduction, it was recalled for causing up to 100,000 heart attacks. Why are the regulations on prescription drugs not protecting the safety of the consumer?

The Food and Drug Administration is responsible for regulating food and drugs manufactured, distributed or sold within the United States. The FDA has the authority on determining which prescription drugs are safe, and which are not. While the FDA is supposed to regulate drug companies, it is unclear how successful they are able to do this because of their intimate ties within the pharmaceutical industry. The media is informing the public about how successful antidepressants are for our children one day. The next day, huge pharmaceutical companies are sued because they fraudulently covered up that their product has led suicide among their young patients.

While the FDA and pharmaceutical companies aren't offering much support to the consumer's safety, new types of prescription pills are being recommended constantly by deeply entrusted and educated doctors. Medical doctors are often the main source of information about which drugs and remedies can help patients avoid health risks and live longer. In reality, there have been numerous accounts of doctors prescribing pills that are are untested and unregulated. Why wouldn't a doctor recommend some type of healthy lifestyle change along with the prescription drug, or instead of it? The answer is

Back to the documentary, "Food Matters." There are numerous doctors and other specialists that support the use of vitamins and healthy foods to cure what ails you. Watch it for yourself on Netflix. Visit their website for more information or to watch the trailer,

This brings us to the small change you should make this week. Think about a pill you take, either prescription or over the counter. Now, what is the reason that you are taking this pill? Rather than popping that pill, search for a natural cure to treat the same ailment. We suggest We understand that there are some diseases and viruses that do require actual prescriptions. We are not saying that you should suddenly discontinue use of those drugs.  We also understand that many of these can be treated over time in other ways. For instance, high blood pressure can be treated by changing your diet and participating in physical activity.