Thursday, April 18, 2013

015. Take Action

Take Action

  This photo has nothing to do with this article, but I love it.

I have a phone interview tomorrow for an internship at an amazing online magazine/organization.

I found out about this internship about a month ago. A day prior to finding it, I was thinking about writing for an online magazine/forum. I want to focus on all the "isms" and injustices in the world, while focusing on the positive and providing real-life suggestions for change. My vision is pretty clear based on the content and name of this blog.
Anyway, when I came home from work that night and logged onto Facebook, the first post was for an internship position. Granted, it's not writing BUT it's a foot in the door to an amazing website that I truly feel connected with. When I read their "about" page, it seemed as though they took the words out of my brain and put them on the screen. So, I started writing the cover letter and polishing up my resume. I even invited my sister over to help contribute/proof read and give me feedback. Guess what I did next? I didn't submit my application for almost 4 weeks. "Why?" you may ask. The answer is simple and complex; I allowed the inner voice of self-doubt to creep into my little head and talk me out of hitting send. What if the founder doesn't like my answers to the questions she asked for the cover letter? What if I'm not qualified enough? The questions continued and I didn't proceed. More and more self doubt overcame me. The self-doubt then created an underlying current of anxiousness. I ignored my anxiousness and did nothing.
Fast forward to this past Sunday night. I was watching the series, "Bomb Girls" on Netflix and I suddenly felt the urge to take some action. I grabbed my laptop, quickly read over my cover letter and resume and finally hit send. I felt relieved. My anxiousness subsided. I then went to bed and awaited a response.
The next morning I received an email from the founder of the organization. She wanted to set up a phone interview with me. It sounds cheesy but I literally became teary-eyed. I was teary-eyed because this was the universe's way of gently reminding me that "I am enough." Ah!

Okay, so this leads to this weeks small change. It's simple. Take action. Take action with something that scares you. If you are self-doubting, gently acknowledge those thoughts and put them away in a large figurative trunk. Then, take action.This almost always cures whatever issue I am dealing with. There are times when I am so stuck in my stuff, that I forget the simple answer to help get me out of my funk. Action.