Sunday, July 10, 2011

001. Choose Organic!

Change your habit. Your favorite food can also be organic. 

Why Organic?

Our food supply is largely controlled by organizations that have their personal interests in mind, rather than the interests of the consumer. Advances in biotechnology have allowed massive quantities of food to be produced efficiently, however there are significant health risks that are equated with consuming the unnatural products that make this mass production possible. This week we offer a simple way to demand healthy food products that can bring change to the food that is sold. In the end, we are the consumers and have a right to food that isn't filled with pesticides and hormones. 

It may be unrealistic for all individuals to start buying organic products because it can be expensive. Other times it may be difficult to break the habit of which items we choose to purchase, regularly. Through marketing we've fallen victim to brand loyalty. Therefore, we must propose a small task that will make a big difference in the long run.

Starting this week, make a commitment to purchase and consume only organic insert product here. It may be milk, apples, cucumbers, toothpaste, deodorant, etc. Organic products have become more popular in recent years, and they are more available at the local grocery store and farmer's market. Each time you purchase an organic product, imagine that you are voting for the items you want the store to continue carrying. If the company notices a surge in organic milk consumption, they will stock it more frequently. The grocery store is a business and every business wants to make a profit. Be careful, because not all items that say "Organic" on the label are actually 100% organic. According to, "The USDA has identified for three categories of labeling organic products: 100% Organic: Made with 100% organic ingredients, Organic: Made with at least 95% organic ingredients, Made With Organic Ingredients: Made with a minimum of 70% organic ingredients with strict restrictions on the remaining 30% including no GMOs (genetically modified organisms)." Take a few moments to read the label on the item that you are about to purchase. We definitely encourage you to shop at farmer's markets for locally grown products, which we will explain more thoroughly in the future.

By starting small and becoming loyal to buying one organic product, you are exercising your right to pesticide and hormone free food! Hopefully this small act will help you prove to yourself and those around you that we all deserve access to healthy and affordable food. The change from non-organic to organic foods will give us healthier products in our future!

We would love to hear what organic products (if any) that you're already using. Feel free to share ideas!


  1. Its gettin real in the whole foods parking lot...

  2. Love the new blog, guys. And we have been switching to organic for the last few years. This only motivates me to do more.

  3. I only buy organic milk . Some things I buy organic here and there , but milk is the one item I buy organic no matter what : ) !! Whoop whoop

  4. Organic Chicken.'s the tastiest!

  5. For the ladies out there I recommend organic tampons. Tampons contain fiberglass, bleach and other harmful chemicals.

  6. All great suggestions! I was not aware that some tampons contain fiberglass! :/
