Wednesday, August 1, 2012

005. Grow Your Own

Grow Your Own Garden!

Growing your own fruits and vegetables has countless benefits to you, your family and the environment. This article will inspire you to start growing your own fruits or vegetables, one delicious and healthy treat at a time.

Locally grown produce cannot get any more convienent and local than your own personal garden! This leads to our first great reason to grow your own produce, because it eliminates the environmental costs of transportation. An entire pack of organic seeds in less than $2 and will save you money on produce in the end. Not to mention how much fun it will be to share your organic produce with family and friends. 

By growing your own produce, you are able to control and become aware of what is going into your fruits and vegetables. If you buy organic seeds and use fertilizer or compost that is free from pesticides and herbicides, you will be choosing a healthier alternative for yourself and your family. Growing your own fruits and vegetables is a sure way to avoid the harsh chemicals that are routinely used in produce sold at your local grocery store. 

Last, gardening is a great way to spend time outside to get fresh air. It can also be a great activity to involve the kids in. They will get a sense of where their food comes from and how easy it is to provide for yourself. Gardening is sometimes an aerobic activity, while other times it releases stress and anxiety. 

Please go to a local family owned business and purchase organic seeds and pots today. Be sure to follow the instructions and have fun! I started my garden today with squash and bell peppers. In order to document my experience, the successes as well as mistakes, I have started a Garden Journal as well. This will help me keep focused and ensure that I am constantly improving my gardening.


  1. You can even do this if you live in an apartment with minimal outside area. Place some of your plants on the floor in fifteen or twenty gallon plastic storage bins and then hang another set above the ones on the floor. In the upper tubs plant vegetables in both the top and out the bottom to double your yield, increase variety, and save on water.

  2. Thanks for the feedback Dave! I have a sunroom and was hoping to grow some of my plants indoors as well, to create an outdoor feel!!
